We can cater to all of your needs
How we work?
We like to build a scope of work with our clients and agree upfront on a workflow with appropriate milestones both duration and deliverable based. We're a flexible team and we can discuss your needs when scoping the project, get in touch and see where we can help.
We specialise in mining and technology related products and processes. Below is a list of where this has taken us so far.
5S implementation
Workflow optimisation
Visual control systems
Kitting services
Prototype development
Bill of materials optimisation
Product commercialisation
ROI (return on investment)
Brownfields installation
Trial monitoring
IoT integration
Critical spares assessment
Product documentation
Build instructions
Technical specifications
Product compliance testing
From time to time we do offer Pro Bono services to those that present a compelling and very interesting case. We aim to provide product and process solutions to a wide audience so please do get in touch.
What we've worked on...
To give you an idea of the types of projects we get involved with here's a sample set:
Brownfields IoT / machine health and monitoring technology trials and performance evaluations within an iron ore operation. Managing the installation and integration of IoT technology systems during scheduled shut-downs for use during real world operational conditions for proof of concept assessments. Producing critical evaluation reports with recommendations for permanent adoption and future implementations are other sites.
Product improvement evaluation work. Integrate into an existing design team and manage the design iterations to take a late stage prototype to a full commercialised product with improved manufacturing, assembly and supply chain. Also back-filling QA/QC procedures, implementing a full QC system and implementing reliability / fault case auditing.
Conducting product testing for ingress protection, communication broadcast range and vibration / shock impacts. Some of the technologies we've worked with include:
Infrared vision
Machine vision
Drone technologies
Wireless temperature measurement
Optical edge detection, volume calculation and contamination detection
Photogrametry for boulder edge detection and particle size distribution measurement
LiDAR ore profile measurement on conveyor belt
Radar ore profile measurement on conveyor belt
Ultrasonic distance measurement
Roller limit switches for belt drift protection